dinsdag 13 november 2007

A First Look At The Cards

On a website [url: CPSC 124, Spring 2006 - Lab 12: Arrays] I have found a picture of the playing cards we can use. It consists of one picture with 13 playing cards in a row, starting with the Ace and ending with the King. Every row has a distinct suit. An extra row was added with the back of the card and two jokers.

To support this image I had to refactor the Card class we created in the last post. This was done in 5 minutes, thanks to the unit testing.

The two enums have been changed to inherently support the image:
public enum SuitEnum
, Diamonds
, Hearts
, Spades

public enum ValueEnum
, _2
, _3
, _4
, _5
, _6
, _7
, _8
, _9
, _10
, Jack
, Queen
, King

Also, the ToString() function was modified to support the changes:
public override string ToString()
string tempString = string.Empty;

switch (this.value)
case ValueEnum._10:
tempString = "T";

case ValueEnum.Jack:
tempString = "J";

case ValueEnum.Queen:
tempString = "Q";

case ValueEnum.King:
tempString = "K";

case ValueEnum.Ace:
tempString = "A";

tempString = ((int)this.value + 1).ToString();

switch (this.suit)
case SuitEnum.Clubs:
tempString += "c";

case SuitEnum.Diamonds:
tempString += "d";

case SuitEnum.Hearts:
tempString += "h";

case SuitEnum.Spades:
tempString += "s";

return tempString;

Run the unit tests, and see: the tests succeed!

Next, create a new C# Windows Application called Poker.WinApp, add a reference to Poker.Common and add the image to the file. Click the image to view the properties and make the Build Action: Embedded Resource.

Add a new function to the form:
private Bitmap getCard(Card c)
Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
using (Image img = Image.FromStream(a.GetManifestResourceStream("Poker.WinApp.cards.png")))
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img))
int w = bmp.Width / 13;
int h = bmp.Height / 5;
int posX = (int)c.Value * w;
int posY = (int)c.Suit * h;

return bmp.Clone(new Rectangle(posX, posY, w, h), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare);

To test this, add a button and a picturebox to the form and add the following code to the Click event of the button:
Card c = new Card(Card.SuitEnum.Diamonds, Card.ValueEnum._6);
this.pictureBox1.Image = getCard(c);

Start the WinApp, click the button and voila!

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